A Dhimmicrat is anyone whose words and actions support and encourage the goals of the coercive lesser jihad in spreading the Ummah throughout the world. This support can be unintentional due to ignorance or obliviousness. Or this support can be intentional. The result of these words and actions is that the Dhimmicrat adopts the behavior of the Dhimmi and accepts submission to Sharia and the protection of Dar al Islam.

These are possible responses to the questions, "Are you a Dhimmicrat? Are you a Dhimmi?"

  • "What's a Dhimmi?" (This is the only answer I have received so far. Anyone who says any variation on "duh" has just disqualified themselves from any further insightful discussion on Iraq, Iran, the Axis of Evil and the War on Terror.) Ignorance is submission. Not knowing is acceptance. The ignorant person is a Dhimmi.
  • "I fear the Messenger and his agents, therefore I am a Dhimmi. I submit out of fear and a feeling of helplessness." In many parts of the world this is the only possible response that protects life and family.
  • "I freely support the Messenger and his agents, therefore I accept that I am a Dhimmi. I freely submit to the protection of Dar al Islam."
  • "They are just little brown savages and you know that we cannot offend their primitive sensibilities." (This requires both hubris and condescension.) The result of this bit of arrogance is to adopt the behavior of the guilty apology. The behavior is the same as that of any other Dhimmi. I submit.
  • "I am not a Dhimmi. I do not support any coercive conversions. I do not support Sharia and the Ummah. I oppose the sword of the Prophet and will not permit that sword to swing. I do not, I will not submit."

Anyone commenting knowledgeably on the War on Terror must have a considered opinion on the basic tenets of the coercive lesser jihad. Otherwise the commentary is against a void of ignorance. And this ignorance can then be easily manipulated by the adherents of the coercive lesser jihad to achieve the goals of the coercive lesser jihad. To eradicate Dar al Harb and establish Dar al Islam worldwide.

In the United States, two independent political situations have been collapsed into one political position:

  1. Opposition to the presidency of George Bush and the ascendancy of the Republican party. This includes opposition to many of the policies and positions of the administration including tactics in the War on Terror. These are very legitimate and defensible political positions and are well within the boundaries of acceptable political discourse in the United States.
  2. Support for others who also oppose the presidency of George Bush, regardless of their actions and goals. This includes support for all of those committed to the use of the coercive lesser jihad to achieve the global Ummah. To eradicate our nation and the culture that we share with our friends and allies.

By not differentiating these two positions the person opposing the Bush administration also can then be fairly seen as a person supporting the goals of the enemies of our civilization. A Dhimmicrat Democrat is an enemy of the United States. A Democrat who opposes the current administration with all of their heart and soul and fury and yet who knowledgeably states that they are NOT a Dhimmicrat, that person is a friend of the United States.

It is easy to be a Democrat and yet not to be a Dhimmicrat. All you have to do is state, "I am not a Dhimmi. I strongly oppose and condemn the coercive lesser jihad. I will do my best to assure that the Ummah will not be established and Sharia will not be the law. I do not submit. I will not submit."

Once this commitment has been made all manner of opposition to the current administration can be heard safely and clearly. Anti-Bush rhetoric will then not be heard as pro-coercive lesser jihad. The choice will then not be between winning and losing (cut and run) but between winning with one party or winning with the other party. Choose the one with the best victory plan. Because both seek victory. And victory means the defeat of all of those who pursue the lesser jihad through coercive and military means.

When I read columns or look at editorial cartoons that are highly critical and disdainful of the Bush administration, the people of the United States and the policies of our nation, I always look to see if there is even the least acknowledgment or awareness of those whose stated intention and demonstrated action is our destruction. In almost every case, there is a complete and utter vacuum. No reference whatsoever to anything having to do with the coercive lesser jihad and the ascendancy of the Ummah.

The unfortunate consequence of this void is to explicitly place the cartoonist or commentator in the role of the Dhimmi. Whether through ignorance or willfullness, they have adopted the behavior of the Dhimmi and are thus furthering the goals of the coercive lesser jihad, the struggle by the sword to eliminate Dar al Harb.

The first step on the path to victory is to name and acknowledge the enemy. The enemy is not some vague and general threat, like "terror". Street thugs are terrorists. The separatists of various stripes are terrorists. Abusive spouses are terrorists. Drug dealers are terrorists. Organized criminals are terrorists. But these terrorists are not our enemy. Our enemy is the coercive lesser jihad that seeks to eradicate Dar al Harb (us) and establish Dar al Islam worldwide as the Ummah under Sharia.